Service Times This Week

July 5-6 - Shabbat Korah-Rosh Hodesh 5784

Weekday Service Times, June 30-July 5
Sun & Thurs (July 4) Mornings: 8:05 am
Mon-Wed & Friday Mornings: 7:05 am
Sunday-Thurs Evenings (Minha/Arbit): 6:45 pm

Shabbat Korah & Rosh Hodesh,* July 5-6
Friday Evening Services: 7:00 pm
Candles (18 min. before sunset): 8:12 pm
Zemirot: 8:30 am | Shahrit: 9:10 am
Minha/Arbit: 8:15 pm
Habdala: 9:12 pm
*Rosh Hodesh Tammuz [Two-Day] begins on Friday night.

Welcome to Congregation Shearith Israel, America's first Jewish congregation, founded in 1654 by 23 Jews of Spanish and Portuguese descent. Today, Jews of all backgrounds make up our welcoming, traditional community. Explore this site, and then visit the synagogue to experience the beauty and vitality of this Jewish and American treasure.

Coming Up

At a Glance

The Breakfast Club
July 3, 2024 , 7:45 am - 8:15 am

Morning Zoom
July 3, 2024 , 8:30 am - 9:00 am

1001 Galilean Nights: Tales of the Jerusalem Talmud
July 4, 2024 , 6:45 pm - 7:30 pm

Weekly Teen Shiur with Baruch-Lev Kelman
July 6, 2024 , 7:30 pm - 8:15 pm

Sunday Morning Class
July 7, 2024 , 9:00 am - 9:15 am

Meet Our Rabbi,
Rabbi Dr. Meir Y. Soloveichik

Rabbi Soloveichik is a much-beloved speaker and teacher, who can be experienced in-person at Shearith Israel nearly every Shabbat throughout the year. 

His popular Friday Night Lights talk follows Friday Evening Services during the colder months, and his Shabbat Afternoon class takes place every week (with occasional substitutes or guest speakers).

Follow our emails for times, topics, and schedule changes.

Photo credit: Rick Loomis for Deseret News

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New York, NY 10023
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